
Enable external plugins or custom logic to make final modifications to the PDF generation response. This includes changes to the filename or other response parameters.


add_filter( "wr_pdf_template_modify_response", array( $this, "custom_filename" ), 10, 3 );


  • $response (array): An associative array containing:

    • “filename” (string): The name of the generated PDF file.
    • “pdf” (string): The PDF content as a string.
  • $payload (array): The data associated with the template request.

  • $pdfObject (GetPdfObject): The object responsible for generating the PDF.

Use Case

This functionality is useful when:

  • You need to dynamically adjust the filename or other response parameters based on specific conditions.
  • Final adjustments to the response are required before the file is returned or saved.

Implementation Example

add_filter( "wr_pdf_template_modify_response", array( $this, "custom_filename" ), 10, 3 );
public function custom_filename( $response, $payload, GetPdfObject ) {
	if ( $payload["option"]["identifier"] == "identifier" ) {
		$response["filename"] = "custom.pdf"
	return $filename;